Maria only knows about some random specific topics but as, 'by chance', Beatrice used pentagrams Maria knew and Maria is the only one explaining them to Battler, it seems he knowledge is vast then it actually is.

This, however, doesn't mean she is all the knowledgeable in the occult, but, rather, that the murderers happen following the few things Maria knows. In EP7 it is reveled it was Maria who thought Beatrice.
Her Hebrew is crappy because she doesn't really knows the language but, instead, memorized how to 'draw' them in these specific magical circles. For starters, the Scorpion Amulet is hinted to be a simple toy, not a genuine charm. Maria's knowledge is true, but she knows a lot less them it seems.Did you miss the part where Maria was best friends with Beatrice? Someone is at least playing the character for Maria anyway, that knowledge isn't at all difficult to get ahold of, and Maria is fascinated and obsessed enough to study on her own, so there's no necessity for someone to teach her, per se.Given how "magic" (either themes or the actual stuff) is the theme of the murders, perhaps the source is related to the mystery?.Even if this stuff is mumbo-jumbo.who on earth taught this to her? It likely wasn't her mother she can't stand that Maria is fascinated by the stuff. This level of knowledge requires intense study, especially for a nine-year old. If we're to take Battler's direct testimony as more or less truth in the first arc then Maria knows how to write pentagrams, crappy Hebrew, the Ars Goetia the 4 Archangels, etc.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42.

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